The nail fungus on your feet: the symptoms and signs of defeat. What treatments are available?

Onychomycosis, or fungal infection of the fingernails is a very unpleasant disease, difficult to cure. The disease develops in case of contact with the fungus under the nail or the skin around the nail. The Microflora pathogenic bacteria feeds on keratin, as a consequence, its number is rapidly dwindling, and the nail is destroyed.

nail fungus on the feet

The causes of the development of the disease and routes of infection

The fungus affects the nail plate, you multiply in a damp environment with the high temperature of the air. To be infected by a fungus, it is possible to visit the common places with this climate. Often the fungus "lives" in the public showers, gyms and swimming pools. Often the infection occurs when you visit the beach. Another route of infection is close contact with a carrier of the infection. The disease is also possible through the use of personal belongings of a sick person.

However, in order to obtain nail fungus, the only contact with the agent for the skin is not enough. A strong immune system effectively suppresses the microflora pathogenic and not acting as a deterrent shock to the nail plate. Predisposing factors to the development of fungus on the nails, are:

  • reduction of immunity, both general and local;
  • a poor blood circulation in the lower limbs;
  • excessive sweating stop;
  • properly wear shoes that are uncomfortable, in violation of the circulation of the blood;
  • damage, and lesions on the skin, stop.

The rapid growth of the microflora pathogenic bacteria often observed in the case of a violation, the circulation of the blood, caused by a range of diseases of the veins, and metabolic disorders. Cause the disease can also wrong shoes, when you wear which increases the sweating and interrupted the flow of the blood. An optimal environment for the development of the microflora pathogenic the skin moist, which does not get enough oxygen. This happens when the person is wearing socks of synthetic fabrics and tight shoes, made of man-made "non-breathing" materials.

Another reason that can result in the development of the infection is the failure to respect the rules of hygiene and of the non-observance of the safety measures. The patient may grossly negligent "get" the mushroom – looking on the shoes of someone else, by visiting the public shower, or pool, without pistons, using another towel to the legs.

Often people commit a serious mistake with the purchase of new shoes – that can cover his bare feet, not making use of socks. This action may be the cause of nail fungus, because you do not know anyone who has taken the same pair of shoes previously and are not stopped this man infected by the microflora pathogenic.

How to recognize the disease?

When a nail fungus in the foot the symptoms are so characteristic that confuse the disease with other diseases is very difficult. In time to identify the disease, it is necessary to know the basic signs, including:

the nail fungus on legs symptoms
  • the formation of stains and streaks under the nail plate;
  • the whitish color of muddy nail;
  • inflammation and dryness of the skin on the finger around the nail;
  • the appearance of the plate mold;
  • the fragility and the changing of the structure of the nail plate.

The initial symptom of the disease is the formation of stripes or spots, dyed in green or yellowish in color. These strips go in depth into the thickness of the nail plate and the impression is that you are on the skin under the nail.

Usually, in the first place hit the nail, at least – on the little finger. In the initial phase of the development of the disease of mushrooms indicates only the change of the color of the nail plate and medium spots and stripes. Some time after the infection strikes the fingers, appears redness, flaking and itching of the skin around the nails.

The treatment of the disease at this stage allows effectively and quickly in order to get rid of the fungus, however, patients rarely come to a physician, noting the symptoms similar.

When you increase the population of the microflora pathogenic fungus begins to destroy the surface of the nail. This is characterized by the fact that the nail becomes soft and with depressions, cracks, and depressions, the structure becomes non-uniform. This may be accompanied by with pyorrhea from under the nail and a strong bad smell of the foot. By the time the nail is destroyed, peeling becomes stronger and affects the skin between the toes.

As it seems to defeat the nails depends on the type of fungus. The causative agent of the disease often are yeasts or fungi. When infected with bread dumplings mushrooms nail plate becomes grey-color cyanotic. Nail quickly destroyed and as a result, everything moves away from the nail bed.

Molds affect the nail plate in case of violation of nutrition of tissues, for example, due to a strong crushing the nails too tight shoes. For this type of onychomycosis is typical of the education of a whitish plaque on the nails.

Knowing how the disease, it is important to visit a doctor. Different types of fungi have a variety of symptoms and treatment, that it is difficult to find by yourself, without the advice of a specialist.

The principle of treatment

Treatment defeat of the nail plate requires a global approach and requires a lot of time. It is important to remember that the sooner you detect the symptoms of fungus and the treatment has started, the faster you can get rid from the disease.

To combat the disease shall apply:

nail fungus on feet treatment
  • anti-fungal ointments and solutions;
  • system antifungal pills;
  • the remedies of the folk medicine.

Cure illness in the initial phase, it is possible with the help of external antifungals. With these drugs you refer to, ointments, solutions, and also lucky with the antifungal ingredient in the composition.

For the treatment is often prescribed ointments broad spectrum of action, in which the components are actively act on different fungi, including yeast. Ointments and creams that are appropriate for use in the initial phase of the development of the disease. In case of violation of the structure of the nail plate are ineffective, as well as the components of the medication cannot penetrate into the small cracks in the nail.

The most effective drugs are anti-fungal solutions. These medicines are usually available in bubbles with a pipette. The tool is applied to the nail plate. Thanks liquid substance fills the slightest irregularity, and falls under the nail plate, so, in fact, acting on the affected area.

In pharmacy are widely represented medicines in the form of a lacquer. Characteristic of this form of antifungal drugs is that they do not need to use every day. Paint is applied once every few days. Medication forms a protective coating on the plate of the nail, thereby protecting the nail and by blocking the spread of a fungal infection. The active ingredients of the drug to penetrate deep into the nail plate and act in the long term – a single application is sufficient to provide antifungal for two days. Lucky also effective for the prevention of the disease fungal. You can use them once a week or apply before visiting the places most at risk of infection by a fungus.

In addition to managing the nail plate, it is necessary to provide antifungal protection of the skin around the nail and between the toes. To do this, use an ointment.

If the nails have started to collapse, drugs for topical use, is not sufficient, therefore further assigned antifungal pills. These drugs provide the systematic exposure of the entire body in general.

If the fungal infection of the nail accompanied by a bacterial infection, which celebrates the appearance of pus, also prescribe ointments with antibacterial effect, for example, Pregnancy.

In popular medicine, the following tools are used against onychomycosis.

folk remedies for the treatment of
  1. A mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to apply a pack of gauze, which is applied to the physical nail for 1 hour. The procedure is repeated every day for two weeks.
  2. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of water. The solution must be used for the treatment of the affected nails twice a day.
  3. In a foot bath, add two large spoons of baking soda and iodized or sea salt. The foot soak for half an hour. The procedure is performed every day before going to sleep.

Also take care of the nails, the juice of an onion or the tincture of propolis. Folk remedies it is recommended to use together with anti-fungal medications, which has appointed a doctor.

Phase heavy fungal defeat, with the consequent loss of the nails, so it is essential to contact a specialist when the first symptoms of the disease.